Help for Landlords Available at Project Self-Sufficiency
Keeping Families Together is a family support program providing case management and clinical services in Sussex and Morris Counties.

We are looking for prospective landlords to partner with us!
Keeping Families Together
Project Self-Sufficiency is embarking on a new journey with the addition of the Keeping Families Together program to our roster. This is a grant-funded program supporting Sussex and Morris County families in growing stronger and more stable by keeping them intact and in housing.
Join our network of community partners who want to work together to build stronger families and communities!
Benefits for Landlords
Staff Available by Phone 24/7
Consistent On-Time Rent Payments
Risk Mitigation
Reduced Vacancy
Long-term (5 Year) Housing Vouchers
Education and Support for Families to Become Successful Tenants

The Mission of Project Self-Sufficiency's Keeping Families Together initiative is to ensure families are united and self-sufficient by obtaining and maintaining safe, affordable housing in the communities of their choice.
Services for Families
5-Year Housing Vouchers
Case Management
Counseling Support
24/7 Staff Phone Support
Linkages to Job Training & Employment
Contact Us
Phone: 973-940-3500 ext. 132